TMG TE GmbH - Over 35 Years of Experience

For more than 35 years, TMG Technologie und Engineering GmbH (TMG TE) has been very successfully supporting national and international companies in the conception, specification, implementation and certification of development projects in industrial communication technology.

We are therefore one of the leading technology providers and service providers in industrial communication technology, especially for PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, IO-Link, EtherCAT and PROFIBUS. TMG TE has a large global market share and is the world market leader for IO-Link. Furthermore TMG TE is an accredited competence center for IO-Link, PROFINET and PROFIBUS, as well as an accredited test center for IO-Link.

With our products and services, we support you in integrating communication technologies into your products.
To simplify the start of the development and to save time, TMG TE offers ready-made reference integrations for some preferred platforms. Among them also a reference integration for PROFINET APL.
Different IO-Link-Gateway applications like for PROFINET, EtherNet/IP or EtherCAT are also available.

Competent Technology Support

  • PROFINET IO Device Stack
  • EtherNet/IP Adapter Stack
  • IO-Link Device Stacks
  • IO-Link Master Stacks
  • IO-Link Engineering Tools and Test Systems
  • IO-Link Gateway Solutions
  • IO-Link Safety Master and Device Stacks



Zur Gießerei 10
76227 Karlsruhe

Tel: +49 (0) 721 828 060

E-Mail: info(at)tmgte(dot)de

Kevin Wiktor
Tel: +49 (0) 721 828 06 28
E-Mail: sales(at)tmgte(dot)de


TMG Website