PROFINET Community - Connect and Collaborate with Industry Experts

PROFINET Community Forum!

Connect with experts, exchange ideas, and explore industrial connectivity. Join the discussions with our international PROFINET community. 

phase of implementation until the certification

Technology Provider

Would you like to share in the success of PROFINET, equip your automation devices with PROFINET interfaces, and find out how easy it is to integrate PROFINET into your products? Be part of the PROFINET community and get support from a technology provider.


PROFINET Technology Provider

PROFINET Community Stack

The PI Community Stack is a joint PI activity of a standardized PROFINET protocol stack core which helps accelerating implementation of PROFINET, typically supported by a Technology Provider. The stack offers full Controller & Device functionality with well-defined APIs. With this idea we expect to increase the PROFINET ecosystem by gaining more technology providers for continuous innovation of PROFINET.


Community Stack

PROFINET Working Groups

Explore how our dedicated working groups drive innovation, security, and standards in the world of PROFINET.


Working Groups


Find out everything about PROFINET in the FAQ area. Questions on topics such as vendor and device IDs, conformance classes and TSN are answered.